The sacrement of the Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist
“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.'” – John 6:35
What’s Next
The first step in preparing to have your child baptized is to call the parish office. While all the registration forms are available on-line and the links are listed below, we’d be glad to speak with you in person to help answer any questions that you may have.
Parents having their first child baptized, (or those who haven’t had a child baptized in several years), and those “first-time godparents”, are invited to join us in a baptism preparation session. It’s a great time to meet other young families and to learn and re-learn the important the role of parents and godparents as the first and best teachers of their children in the ways of faith.
Sacrament Quick Links
Eucharist Contacts

Fr. Tim Kummerer
Documents & Other Info
Holy Eucharist
“The Eucharist sanctifies us, purifies us and unites us in the marvelous communion with God. The Eucharist is not a prize for the good, but strength for the weak; for sinners it is pardon; it is the viaticum that helps us move forward, to walk.” ~ Pope Francis
I begin each day with the holy Mass, receiving Jesus hidden under the appearance of a simple piece of bread. Then I go out into the streets and I find the same Jesus hidden in the dying destitute, the AIDS patients, the lepers, the abandoned children, the hungry and the homeless. It’s the same Jesus. ~ St. (Mother) Teresa of Kolkata
Mass Times
Saturday – 5:00pm
Sunday – 8:00am & 10:00am
Tuesday – 6:30pm
Wednesday – 8:00am
Thursday – 8:00am
Friday – 8:00am
Eucharistic Adoration Times
First Tuesday of Every Month: 7:00am ~ 6:15pm
Third Thursday of Every Month: 7:00pm ~ 8:00pm
September ~ May: Adoration is Accompanied with Music, Song & Worship.
June ~ August: Adoration is a Traditional Hour of Silence.
Times may vary due to Holy Days and other scheduled event, check the parish calendar for more info.
Get Involved
Our Info
39 N. Perry St.
PO Box 89
New Riegel, OH 44853
Ph - 419.595.2567
Fax - 419.595-2303
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