Liturgical Contacts

Fr. Tim Kummerer

Sr. Marcia Boes
Pastoral Associate of Music & Worship
Please contact Sr. Marcia if you are interested in any of the ministries below, or have any questions.
Altar Servers:
Students in fifth grade and older are invited to consider sharing their time and faith in service at the altar for Mass. This is a great way to serve God and our entire parish family. Adult & youth servers are also needed at daily Mass and funerals.
Children’s Collection:
This is a great opportunity for the youngest members of our parish to participate at Mass. Children hold the collection basket during the children’s collection.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass after preparation and commissioning by the Bishop. They also take the Eucharist to parishioners who are sick and homebound.
We welcome those interested in becoming lectors, who proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Becoming a lector is a wonderful way to publicly witness to your faith. Lectors prepare to proclaim the scriptures through study and the use of public speaking skills.
Music Ministry:
Musical talents are welcomed at All Saints and several options are available.
- The Traditional Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the choir loft. The Choir sings at weekend liturgies as well as at special Masses such as Christmas and the Triduum. New members are most welcome!
- The Praise Band sings on the fourth Sunday of the month and rehearses at 9 a.m that same day. The Praise Band welcomes to new members and instrumentalists.
- The Youth Choir is open to all youth in grades 7-12 and sings at designated Masses throughout the year.
- The Funeral Choir sings at funerals and ministers to the bereaved through music.
Technology Ministry:
Our technology team members share their talents with video projection and advancing the PowerPoint slides needed for participation during Mass. The technology team is comprised of people of all ages and is a great ministry for families to do together. As technology becomes more and more integrated into our daily lives, projection/multimedia can be used to enhance our worship experience and participation in the Mass.
Ushers create a welcoming environment for all who attend liturgy at All Saints. Ushers greet all who enter our doors and assist with the collection. Ushers lend a helping hand wherever assistance is needed.
Get Involved
Our Info
39 N. Perry St.
PO Box 89
New Riegel, OH 44853
Ph - 419.595.2567
Fax - 419.595-2303
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